Class: ParticleSet
new ParticleSet
line 21
activate() - Activates the shader for rendering
addBurstAt() - Adds a new burst emitter at the given position
addDust() - Creates a new dust emitter
addElectricityAt() - Adds a new electric emitter at the given position
addEmitterAt() - Adds a default emitter to the given position
addFlameAt() - Adds a new flame emitter to the given position
addRain() - Creates a new rain emitter
addSnow() - Creates a new snow emitter
createBurst() - Creator function used by the emitter, creates a particle and returns it. Used for burst effects.
createBurst() - Creator function used by the emitter, creates a particle and returns it. Used for electricity effects.
createDust() - Creates dust particles
createRain() - Creates rain particles
createSnow() - Creates snow particles
draw() - Activates the shader of the renderable and draws to the given camera
draw() - Draws the particle to the given camera
draw() - Draws to the given camera.
emitParticles() - Creates and emits particles based on the creator function
emitParticles() - Creates the particles to be emitted and pushes them to the particle set
emitParticles() - uses the creator function to create and emit particles
expired() - Checks if the number of particles remaining is less than or equal to 0
getAcceleration() - Gets the current acceleration
getAcceleration() - gets the current acceleration
getClimb() - gets the current vertical acceleration
getColor() - Gets the current color
getColorEnd() - Gets the ending color
getColorStart() - gets the starting color
getDrag() - Gets the current drag
getDrag() - gets the current drag
getDrawBounds() - Returns whether or not the bounds are drawn
getGrowth() - Gets the current growth rate
getIntensity() - gets the number of remaining particles
getNumParticles() - gets the current number of particles to be emitted
getParticleSize() - Returns the size of the particles
getPosition() - Gets the current position of the particle
getPosition() - Gets the current position of the renderable
getPulses() - gets the number of pulses for the burst
getPulses() - gets the number of pulses for the electricity
getRadius() - Returns the current radius
getSize() - Gets the current point size
getSize() - gets the size of the particle
getSizeVariance() - gets the current size variance
getSpacing() - gets the spacing
getSpread() - Gets the spread of the electricity
getSpread() - Gets the spread of the flame
getSpread() - Gets the spread of the particles
getVelocity() - gets the current velocity
getWind() - Gets the current horizontal acceleration
getWind() - Returns the current horizontal acceleration
hasExpired() - Checks if the particle has expired or not
hit() - Behavior of the particle upon collision
setAcceleration() - Sets the current acceleration
setAcceleration() - updates the current acceleration
setClimb() - sets the vertical acceleration
setColor() - Sets the current color to a new one
setColorEnd() - Sets the ending color
setColorStart() - Sets the starting color
setDrag() - Sets the current drag to a new value
setDrag() - sets the drag for each particle being emitted
setDrawBounds() - Sets whether or not the drawing bounds are drawn
setFinalColor() - Sets the final color of the particle
setGrowth() - Sets the growth rate to a new value
setIntensity() - Sets the number of remaining particles
setNumParticles() - Sets the number of particles to emit to a new value
setParticleSize() - Sets the size of the particles
setPointSize() - sets the pixel size to allow resizing
setPosition() - Sets the position of the particle
setPosition() - Sets the position of the renderable
setPulses(pulses) - Sets the number of pulses
setRadius() - Sets the radius to a new value
setShowPoint() - Sets whether or not the pixel gets drawn
setSize() - Sets the size of the particle
setSize() - Sets the size of the point
setSizeDelta() - Sets the size delta
setSizeVariance() - Sets the size variance
setSpacing() - sets the space between each ring in the burst
setSpread() - Sets the current particle spread to a new value
setSpread() - Sets the spread of the electricity
setSpread() - Sets the spread of the flame
setVelocity() - Sets the current velocity
setWind() - Sets the horizontal acceleration
terminate() - sets numRemains to 0
terminate() - Sets the number of cycles to 0
update() - Cleans up and emits particles in the set
update() - Updates the particle's position
update() - Uses the position and color control variables to update the particle based on the update interval